Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Be Prepared!

Splinters from a wood deck? We've got you covered. A mild case of eczema? Not a problem. Diarrhea? You are no match for us. We are parents. We are prepared. Usually...

I know I have run to the medicine cabinet one too many times to find that we just don't have the gear we need to fix what ails our children. You aren't a pediatrician, but wouldn't you like to know what a pediatrician keeps on-hand in his or her home to solve small medical dilemmas? First off, even a doctor knows that if it is a full blown emergency you call 911. Barring that - these little tricks might make a big difference next time a small calamity takes place at home...

Prepping for Kids


  1. Children's Ibuprofen (for babies 6 months and older) - is good for pain control (hello teething!) and reducing inflammation
  2. Children's Benadryl - a quick fix for mild allergic reactions
  3. Boo Boo Buddy Cold Pack - ideal for small bumps and bruises (find their favorite character and you win parent of the year)
  4. 1% Hydrocortisone - a great topical option for small outbreaks of eczema and other rashes as well
  5. Band-aids - we always choose the fun ones (and yes, I long ago advised John to invest in the company because we use A LOT of these for imaginary wounds)
  6. Bacitracin - it doesn't sting, prevents infections, and speeds up the healing process
  7. Q-tips - the gentle way to clean wounds and administer ointment
  8. Tweezerman - best little gripper in town and is ideal for removing splinters (or princess slippers that are mistakenly stuck up ones nose)
  9. Thermometer - this thermoscan ear thermometer is painless and reads temperatures in seconds (at a very young age our kids master the art of refusing a rectal thermometer - don't ask...)
  10. Children's Acetaminophen - is a great fever reducer
  11. Pedialyte - when vomiting and diarrhea enter the home you need to be extra prepared
** Always keep the number for poison control 1-800-222-1222 in your contacts in case children accidentally ingest things they shouldn't. 
** Play-doh doesn't count.

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